Before considering the recommendations below, we recommend that toolkit users first read the introduction explaining why time matters for improving teacher working conditions and student learning conditions.


Recommendation One:

Structure the school day to allow sufficient time for direct planning, productive collaboration with colleagues, and overlapping time for mentors and mentees, all embedded within the school day. - Resources and strategies for community members


Recommendation Two:

To the greatest extent possible, protect teachers from non-essential duties that interfere with teaching by creating a system that allows community members, administrators, or other qualified adults to assume some of the extra-curricular duties traditionally performed by teachers. - Resources and strategies for community members


Recommendation Three:

Structure the school/district calendar to allow for meaningful professional development activities embedded throughout the school year. - Resources and strategies for community members


Recommendation Four:  

Create school processes and infrastructure that are responsive to teacher concerns about time and other impediments that limit available time to meet the educational needs of all students (class size and student loads). - Resources and strategies for community members

If you have other resources to add or thoughts to share,
please email

data analysis | time | leadership | empowerment | prof development | facilities & resource