Role Group Strategies: Community, Teachers, Principals, District Office, Policymakers
Community Volunteer to help with extracurricular activities.
Broad Creek Middle School, Carteret, NC
The Real D.E.A.L. Schools
Broad Creek Middle School is one of eight schools honored by North Carolina Governor Mike Easley as a school that leads the state in both student achievement and teacher working conditions. Parental involvement and volunteers are an integral part of the school’s success. Volunteer programs include tutoring, mentoring and a partnership with a group of local marines.
Get Parents Involved: When Mom and Dad Come to Class, Kids Do Better
Seville, Michael. (2005). Edutopia.
http://www.edutopia.org/magazine/ed1article.php?id=art_1310&issue=jun_05 This article describes a program at Christa McAuliffe Elementary, a public school in Silicon Valley, which requires parents to become involved in the school as volunteers. Parents lead lessons based on their personal expertise, act as chaperones on field trips, or provide administrative or technological support after the school day. They also attend a training program that helps parents make active contributions to their children’s schooling.
Grandparents Helping in the Classroom
Christian Science Monitor, March 9, 2006
http://www.csmonitor.com/2006/0309/p08s02-comv.html?s=hns%20 In this editorial, the Christian Science Monitor reports the mutual benefits experienced by seniors and students when older Americans volunteer in the classroom. Since there will be a dramatic increase in the number of Americans over the age of 65 in the next 15 years, the potential impact of this group is great. The article reports on a recent study of volunteers from Experience Corp in Baltimore and discusses the cost effectiveness of such a program.
Communities in Schools Volunteer Page
This site gives contact addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for all Communities in Schools (CIS) network offices in North Carolina. CIS encourages community members to become involved in schools through mentoring, helping with after-school programs, bringing health specialists into schools, and teaching job skills.
North Carolina Public Schools Volunteer Page
http://www.ncpublicschools.org/parents/involved.html NC Public Schools lists a variety of organizations across the state that can help community members become involved in education.
10 Things Grandparents and Other Concerned Citizens Can Do to be More Involved
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
http://www.ncpublicschools.org/involvement/10thingsgrandparent.html The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction describes ten ways in which grandparents and other citizens without children in school can become more involved in education. Suggestions include volunteering in schools as a tutor or mentor, helping children to take advantage of educational resources in the community, and supporting social services that help all children.

Community Partnership Resource Page
The George Lucas Educational Foundation.
http://www.glef.org/php/keyword.php?id=189 This webpage provides a variety of resources from the George Lucas Educational Foundation (GLEF) on school and community partnerships. It includes articles describing programs in specific school districts and research on the importance of community involvement in general.
What is a Partnership Program? National Network for Partnership Schools.
http://www.csos.jhu.edu/p2000/program2.htm This page highlights six types of involvement for partnership programs, summarizing recommendations from the book Schools, Family, and Community Partnership: Your Handbook for Action (Epstein, 1997). The six types of involvement are parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision making, and collaborating with the community. For each type, the website briefly lists sample practices, challenges and redefinitions, and results.
Teachers Help develop a training system for community volunteers.
Treating Teachers as Professionals
By Diane Curtis 10/1/2000
http://www.glef.org/php/article.php?id=Art_412&key=238 This article features the Sherman Oaks Charter School, where teachers meet from 11:30-1pm daily for professional development. They create time for the meeting by combining a lunch, study hall, and recreation period, which is staffed by para-professionals and parent volunteers. This article addresses the content of such meetings and how they create that time in their schedule.
Grandparents Helping in the Classroom
Christian Science Monitor, March 9, 2006
http://www.csmonitor.com/2006/0309/p08s02-comv.html?s=hns%20 In this editorial, the Christian Science Monitor reports the mutual benefits experienced by seniors and students when older Americans volunteer in the classroom. Since there will be a dramatic increase in the number of Americans over the age of 65 in the next 15 years, the potential impact of this group is great. The article reports on a recent study of volunteers from Experience Corp in Baltimore and discusses the cost effectiveness of such a program.
Communities in Schools Volunteer Page.
This site gives contact addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for all Communities in Schools (CIS) network offices in North Carolina. CIS encourages community members to become involved in schools through mentoring, helping with after-school programs, bringing health specialists into schools, and teaching job skills.
Making the Most of Volunteers.
Grossman, J.B. and Kathryn Furano. (2002). Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures.
http://www.ppv.org/ppv/publications/assets/152_publication.pdf This article explains the kind of infrastructure that organizations such as schools need to put in place in order to maximize the effectiveness of volunteers. The authors discuss screening, training and skills, on-going management and support (including assigning tasks, providing support and supervision), and cost implications.
National Standards for Parent/Family Involvement Strategies
National PTA.
http://www.pta.org/parentinvolvement/standards/index.asp Strategy four pertains to volunteer programs, listing quality indicators of successful volunteer programs and suggesting the types of materials volunteers should receive during training. Successful programs make parents and other volunteers feel welcome, utilize their skills and expertise, and provide opportunities for working parents to help in creative ways.
What is a Partnership Program? National Network for Partnership Schools.
http://www.csos.jhu.edu/p2000/program2.htm This page highlights six types of involvement for partnership programs, summarizing recommendations from the book Schools, Family, and Community Partnership: Your Handbook for Action (Epstein, 1997). The six types of involvement are parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision making, and collaborating with the community. For each type, the website briefly lists sample practices, challenges and redefinitions, and results.
Find ways to use parents and other community volunteers to supervise students during non-instructional times.
Broad Creek Middle School, Carteret, NC
The Real D.E.A.L. Schools
Broad Creek Middle School is one of eight schools honored by North Carolina Governor Mike Easley as a school that leads the state in both student achievement and teacher working conditions. Parental involvement and volunteers are an integral part of the school’s success. Volunteer programs include tutoring, mentoring and a partnership with a group of local marines.
Get Parents Involved: When Mom and Dad Come to Class, Kids Do Better
Seville, Michael. (2005). Edutopia.
http://www.edutopia.org/magazine/ed1article.php?id=art_1310&issue=jun_05 This article describes a program at Christa McAuliffe Elementary, a public school in Silicon Valley, which requires parents to become involved in the school as volunteers. Parents lead lessons based on their personal expertise, act as chaperones on field trips, or provide administrative or technological support after the school day. They also attend a training program that helps parents make active contributions to their children’s schooling.
Grandparents Helping in the Classroom
Christian Science Monitor, March 9, 2006
http://www.csmonitor.com/2006/0309/p08s02-comv.html?s=hns%20 In this editorial, the Christian Science Monitor reports the mutual benefits experienced by seniors and students when older Americans volunteer in the classroom. Since there will be a dramatic increase in the number of Americans over the age of 65 in the next 15 years, the potential impact of this group is great. The article reports on a recent study of volunteers from Experience Corp in Baltimore and discusses the cost effectiveness of such a program.
Making Time for Adult Learning
Pardini, P. (Spring 1999) Journal of Staff Development
http://www.nsdc.org/library/publications/jsd/pardini202.cfm This article highlights different methods used by eight schools across the country to create time for teacher collaboration. Strategies include early release, involving students in community service projects, allowing paraprofessionals to cover classes for a limited period of time, and reassessing how faculty meeting time is currently used. The author provides contact information for each of the profiled schools.
Treating Teachers as Professionals
By Diane Curtis 10/1/2000
http://www.glef.org/php/article.php?id=Art_412&key=238 This article features the Sherman Oaks Charter School, where teachers meet from 11:30-1pm daily for professional development. They make time by combining a lunch, study hall, and recreation period, which is staffed by para-professionals and parent volunteers. This article addresses the content of such meetings and how they create that time in their schedule.
Answering the Perplexities of Parent Involvment
ASCD 2006 Annual Conference Blog
http://ascd.typepad.com/annualconference/2006/04/answering_the_p.html This blog, from the Association of Curriculum Supervision and Development, addresses strategies for getting more Hispanic and African American parents involved in their children’s schools. The author talks about the different understandings of “parent involvement” that she encountered in her work as a parent liaison and describes many of the factors that make it difficult for parents to find the time to come to school. Finally, she offers a list of strategies, such as providing child care during meetings and assisting with transportation, which can lead to successful involvement when implemented together.
Building Support for Better Schools: Seven Steps to Engaging Hard-to Reach Communities
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL). (2000).
This tool provides a “step-by-step guide" for involving parents and community members in efforts to improve education. It offers advice on how to know your community, identify issues, designate facilitators, train facilitators, recruit participants, and follow up with participants.
Principals Develop a training system for community volunteers.
National Standards for Parent/Family Involvement Strategies
National PTA.
http://www.pta.org/parentinvolvement/standards/index.asp Strategy four pertains to volunteer programs, listing quality indicators of successful volunteer programs and suggesting the types of materials volunteers should receive during training. Successful programs make parents and other volunteers feel welcome, utilize their skills and expertise, and provide opportunities for working parents to help in creative ways.
Communities in Schools Volunteer Page
This site gives contact addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for all Communities in Schools (CIS) network offices in North Carolina. CIS encourages community members to become involved in schools through mentoring, helping with after-school programs, bringing health specialists into schools, and teaching job skills.
Making the Most of Volunteers
Grossman, J.B. and Kathryn Furano. (2002). Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures.
http://www.ppv.org/ppv/publications/assets/152_publication.pdf This essay explains the kind of infrastructure that organizations, such as schools, need to put in place in order to maximize the effectiveness of volunteers. The authors discuss screening, training and skills, on-going management and support (including assigning tasks, providing support and supervision), and cost implications.
What is a Partnership Program? National Network for Partnership Schools.
http://www.csos.jhu.edu/p2000/program2.htm This page highlights six types of involvement for partnership programs, summarizing recommendations from the book Schools, Family, and Community Partnership: Your Handbook for Action (Epstein, 1997). The six types of involvement are parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision making, and collaborating with the community. For each type, the website briefly lists sample practices, challenges and redefinitions, and results.
District Support/underwrite the development of community volunteer training module.
Communities in Schools Volunteer Page
http://www.cisnet.org/network/our_network_in.asp?.=NC This site gives contact addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for all Communities in Schools (CIS) network offices in North Carolina. CIS encourages community members to become involved in schools through mentoring, helping with after-school programs, bringing health specialists into schools, and teaching job skills.
Making the Most of Volunteers
Grossman, J.B. and Kathryn Furano. (2002). Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures.
http://www.ppv.org/ppv/publications/assets/152_publication.pdf This essay explains the kind of infrastructure organizations such as schools need to put in place in order to maximize the effectiveness of volunteers. The authors discuss screening, training and skills, on-going management and support (including assigning tasks, providing support and supervision), and cost implications.
National Standards for Parent/Family Involvement Strategies
National PTA.
http://www.pta.org/archive_article_details_1118251710359.html Strategy four pertains to volunteer programs, listing quality indicators of successful volunteer programs and suggesting the types of materials volunteers should receive during training. Successful programs make parents and other volunteers feel welcome, utilize their skills and expertise, and provide opportunities for working parents to help in creative ways.
What is a Partnership Program? National Network for Partnership Schools.
http://www.csos.jhu.edu/p2000/program2.htm This page highlights six types of involvement for partnership programs, summarizing recommendations from the book Schools, Family, and Community Partnership: Your Handbook for Action (Epstein, 1997). The six types of involvement are parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision making, and collaborating with the community. For each type, the website briefly lists sample practices, challenges and redefinitions, and results.
Policymakers Resolve any liability issues regarding volunteers.
Making the Most of Volunteers Grossman, J.B. and Kathryn Furano. (2002). Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures.
http://www.ppv.org/ppv/publications/assets/152_publication.pdf This essay explains the kind of infrastructure that organizations such as schools need to put in place in order to maximize the effectiveness of volunteers. The authors discuss screening, training and skills, on-going management and support (including assigning tasks, providing support and supervision), and cost implications.