Recommendation Four:  

Create school processes and infrastructure that are responsive to teacher concerns about time and other impediments that limit available time to meet the educational needs of all students (class size and student loads).



Role Group Strategies:

District Office
Hire more teachers to reduce class size.

Class Size Reduction: Lessons Learned from Experience
McRobbie, Joan, Finn, Jeremy, and Harman, Patrick. (1998)  Policy Brief 23. WestEd.
Drawing from the experiences of various states and districts, this brief addresses the costs and benefits of class size reduction initiatives.  The authors answer common questions about the effect of class size reduction on student achievement and what conditions and infrastructure are necessary for such initiatives to be effective.  The brief highlights class size reduction efforts in California, Nevada, Utah, and North Carolina.

How Class Size Makes a Difference
Egelson, P., Harmon, P., et. al. (2002).  Regional Education Laboratory at SERVE.
The report summarizes class-size reduction efforts across the Southeast and includes detailed case studies of class-size reduction efforts at Draper Elementary School and Burke County schools in North Carolina. The authors provide recommendations for successful implementation, program design, and professional development.

Incredible Shrinking Class Size 
O’Neill, Jan and Deborah Mercier. (2003).National Staff Development Council.
This article describes how a school in Wisconsin reduced class size without additional funding.  The school reduced class sizes and pullouts simultaneously and consequently increased student, teacher, and parent morale.  The authors discuss the funding sources they used to create more full-time classroom positions and the importance and feasibility of professional development to equip teachers for instruction of the full range of students.

Capitalizing on Small Class Size
O’Connell, Jessica and Stuart Smith.  Eric Digest 136 April 2000.
This article focuses on how to maximize investment in class size reduction.  The authors insist that high quality professional development is essential to the success of class size reduction and discusses how to best find facilities and spend funds to reduce class sizes.


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