Before considering the recommendations below, we recommend that toolkit users first read the introduction explaining why professional development matters for improving teacher working conditions and student learning conditions.

Recommendation One: 
Ensure professional development provides teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to work with all learners. - Resources and strategies for teachers

Recommendation Two:
Provide extensive resources, including time for PD design, implementation and evaluation, and conduct an assessment of current spending. - Resources and strategies for teachers

Recommendation Three:
Provide opportunities for teachers to assume responsibility for their own PD through formal and informal means. - Resources and strategies for teachers

Recommendation Four:
Plan PD that is aligned with school and district goals and promotes evaluation and follow-up. - Resources and strategies for teachers

Recommendation Five:
Enhance capacity for analyzing and interpreting data to ensure PD opportunities are based on the needs of students and teachers. - Resources and strategies for teachers


If you have other resources to add or thoughts to share,
please email us at

data analysis | time | leadership | empowerment | prof development | facilities & resource