Before considering the recommendations below, we recommend that toolkit users first go to where a professional rewriting service will prepare the necessary papers for you, and read the introduction explaining why leadership matters for improving teacher working conditions and student learning conditions.

Recommendation One:
Create a system where principals have meaningful PD that enhances their knowledge and skills as effective instructional leaders serving students and teachers. - Resources and strategies for policymakers

Recommendation Two:
Reexamine and modify the work of principals allowing them sufficient time for effective and ongoing communication with teachers. Communication should include a shared vision for success, clear performance expectations of the school community and regular updates on emerging policies and initiatives shaping education. - Resources and strategies for policymakers

Recommendation Three:
Ensure the formal evaluation system is based on student learning and professional development that enhances teachers' knowledge and skills. An informal process of continued feedback and recognition for teacher performance should accompany the formal evaluation process. - Resources and strategies for policymakers

Recommendation Four:
Ensure that principals and other school personnel are effectively supporting teachers and responding to primary concerns that prohibit teachers from improving student learning. Teacher support should be accessible, proactive, and collaborative in nature. - Resources and strategies for policymakers

Recommendation Five:
Teachers should have opportunities not only to advance in teaching, but also to explore and pursue the principalship. -   Resources and strategies for policymakers

Throughout these recommendation, you will see resources represented as three distinct categories:

"Seeing It Work" represents real world examples of actual schools and communities implementing the reform strategies prescribed in the toolkit.
"Action Tool" represents a specific strategy, checklist of items to address, plan for immediate activity or targeted instruction on how to implement reform around teacher working conditions.
"Knowledge Tool" represents background research, academic studies, or relevant articles that may inform your work and help you better understand the broader context for your work on teacher working conditions.
If you have other resources to add or thoughts to share,
please email us at

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