Role Group Strategies: Communities, Teachers, Principals, District Office, Policymakers
Develop and strengthen home/school partnerships designed to address non-academic student needs and to support school-based instructional reforms.
Communities in Schools Volunteer Page.
This site gives contact addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for all Communities in Schools (CIS) network offices in North Carolina. CIS encourages community members to become involved in schools through mentoring, helping with after-school programs, bringing health specialists into schools, and teaching job skills.
Community Partnership Resource Page
The George Lucas Educational Foundation.
http://www.glef.org/php/keyword.php?id=189 This webpage provides a variety of resources from the George Lucas Educational Foundation (GLEF) on school and community partnerships. It includes articles describing programs in specific school districts and research on the importance of community involvement in general.
Helping Every Student Succeed: Schools and Communities Working Together
Study Circles Resources Center (2002).
http://www.studycircles.org/en/Resource.14.aspx This tool explains how study circles engage community members in school improvement efforts and provides the discussion materials necessary for a series of four study groups. Group discussions begin with consideration of what each participant considers a “good education” and progresses to deciding upon specific actions for change.
North Carolina Public Schools Volunteer Page
http://www.ncpublicschools.org/parents/involved.html NC Public Schools lists a variety of organizations across the state that can help community members become involved in education.
The Whitefoord Community: Bringing Schools and Services Together
Furger, R. (2000, September 1). The George Lucas Educational Foundation
http://www.glef.org/php/article.php?id=Art_564&key=189 This article from the George Lucas Educational Foundation outlines the efforts of the Whitefoord Community Advisory Council, a not-for-profit program designed to support the students of Whitefoord Elementary School and Coan Middle School. Bringing together health care, job training and after school enrichment supports, this organization is a model of what communities can do to support education.
Developing Effective Partnerships to Support Local Education
School Communities that Work: A National Taskforce on the
Future of Urban Districts (2002).
http://www.schoolcommunities.org/Archive/images/Partnerships.pdf This paper describes design and operating principles used in effective education and community partnerships. The authors emphasize that partnerships should focus on equity in addition to results and aim to affect youth engagement and development.

Family and Community Connections with Schools
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory. (2002, February).
http://www.sedl.org/pubs/sedletter/v14n01/ This issue of SEDLetter addresses issues related to engaging community members in meaningful connections with schools. Detailing mentoring programs, centers designed for community partnerships, and changes needed in teacher preparation programs to fully utilize community connections, this magazine provides a valuable introduction to the power of parents and community members in schools. It also includes a description of an advocacy group created by parents that is actively educating and advocating for student needs in New Mexico.
What is a Partnership Program? National Network for Partnership Schools.
http://www.csos.jhu.edu/p2000/program2.htm This page highlights six types of involvement for partnership programs, summarizing recommendations from the book Schools, Family, and Community Partnership: Your Handbook for Action (Epstein, 1997). The six types of involvement are parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision making, and collaborating with the community. For each type, the website briefly lists sample practices, challenges and redefinitions, and results.
Create a culture of continuous inquiry and collaboration focused on identifying and sharing “best-practices.” Encourage peer coaching and observations, action research, and critical friends groups as methods of supporting colleagues.
Their Key to Survival: Each Other
Gingold, H. (2004, June). Classroom Leadership, 7(9). http://makeashorterlink.com/?U1263262B This article from the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development describes the work of four teachers in Liverpool, N.Y. who created a “collaborative teacher network” designed to support one another throughout the school year. The four teachers worked as a team, planning lessons and instruction, evaluating the results of their teaching, and refining their professional practice. They set aside time each week to meet with one another, and kept in regular contact via email and phone calls. As a result, their teaching improved and they each developed skills required of reflective practitioners.

Redesigning Professional Development: Critical Friends
Bambino, D. (2002, March). Educational Leadership, 59(6), 25-27. http://www.nsrfharmony.org/gene/Bambino_2002.pdf Because of their shared experiences, teachers can often provide the most effective instructional support to their colleagues. One model for this type of collaboration is the Critical Friends Group. This article introduces the concept and benefits of Critical Friends groups and tells the stories of three schools that have implemented Critical Friends groups with great success.
Improving Relationships within the School House
Barth, Roland S. (March 2006). Educational Leadership
http://snipurl.com/nz7f Roland S. Barth, a former teacher and principal and the founder of the Principals Center at Harvard University discusses different relationships among teachers and administrators in schools that affect the overall school climate and student learning. He identifies four primary types of relations: teacher isolation, adversarial relationships, congenial relationships, and collegial relationships. He focuses on collegial relationships, which are characterized by sharing best practices or “craft knowledge,” observing colleagues’ teaching, and rooting for each others’ success, and he explains what school leaders can do to create collegiality within their school.
Action Research Tools and Resources
The Teacher Leaders Network
http://www.teacherleaders.org/Resources/ARgroup/ARresources.html The members of the Teacher Leaders Network, a major initiative of the Southeast Center for Teaching Quality, recently examined the process and potential of action research as a school improvement tool. This web page features an extensive list of action research resources. Included are articles related to action research, sample action research projects, and reviews of books that are designed to introduce educators to the process of action research.
Coaching: A Strategy for Developing Instructional Capacity
Neufeld, B. and Roper, D. (2003, June). Annenberg Institute for School Reform
http://www.annenberginstitute.org/images/Coaching.pdf This report provides a guide through the process of instructional coaching. The authors explain what coaches do, how they are prepared, important factors and challenges in implementation, and the benefits and expected outcomes of coaching programs.
School Based Coaching – A Lit Review
Green, Terry. (2004). National Staff Development Council
http://www.nsdc.org/library/schoolbasedlitreview.pdf This document presents a review of literature supporting school-based staff developers or coaches. The author provides detailed definitions of key terms and then discusses research pertaining to a variety of coaching models. The publication also includes a list of practical tools for use by schools and districts.
Teachers Observing Teachers: A Professional Development Tool for Every School
Israel, M. (2003, February 4). Education World
This article explains the benefits of having teachers observe other teachers, not to evaluate performance, but to provide professional development and encourage growth.
Serve, both formally and informally, as mentors for beginning teachers.
Teacher Coaching: A Tool for Retention
Griffin, N.C., Wohlstetter, P., and Bharadwaja, L.C. (2001, January). The School Administrator
http://www.aasa.org/publications/sa/2001_01/griffin.htm This article from the American Association of School Administrators describes a decentralized model of teacher coaching being used in several Los Angeles schools. This model, known as DELTA, provides new teachers with one-on-one coaching from an experienced teacher and a personalized support plan that emphasizes skill development rather than evaluation.
Mentoring Timeline Checklists
Parker, E. (2001). The North Carolina Teachers Network
8/$file/mentorcheck.pdf These checklists, created by the Mentor in Residence at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, identify the most important topics of discussion and activities for a mentor to cover with a new teacher. The lists break down the mentoring process into four distinct quarter and outline specific tasks that North Carolina mentors should complete each quarter to effectively support their protégés.

The George Lucas Educational Foundation. (1999, Fall). Edutopia
http://glef.org/EdutopiaPDF/Fall99.pdf This issue of Edutopia magazine focuses exclusively on the topic of mentoring. It describes highlights of research on mentoring, provides a detailed description of the high quality mentor, and gives many examples of successful programs.

Supporting Beginning Teachers:
How Administrators, Teachers and Policymakers can Help New Teachers Succeed
Brewster, C. and Railsback, J. (2001, May). Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
This tool gives a detailed overview of the issue of new teacher support. It outlines the benefits of new teacher support, the implementation of formal support programs, and special concerns for rural schools and offers suggestions for veteran teachers and administrators interested in supporting new teachers. Also included are considerations for policymakers and descriptions of statewide mentoring programs in several Northwestern states.

Watch Over Me
Kersten, Denise. (2006). Teacher Magazine
http://www.edweek.org/tm/articles/2006/01/01/04mentor.h17.html This article discusses the importance of quality mentoring in stemming new teacher attrition. The author distinguishes between informal and under-supported mentoring programs that provide “buddy” relationships at best and intensive mentoring experiences that include collaborative planning, teaching demonstrations, and networking. She highlights the work of a full-time mentor and a mentee in Virginia and emphasizes the role that funding plays in making such a program successful.
Keeping Teachers
Lurie, K. (2004, May 27). ScienCentral News.
This article from provides an overview of the importance of mentoring to new teachers and shares the story of Jamie Devall and Vicky Condalary, a mentor-protégé team from Louisiana. A short video featuring the two teachers accompanies the article.
The Voice of the New Teacher
The Public Education Network. (2003).
/Voice_of_the_New_Teacher.pdf This report examines issues related to new teachers, based on a study of 200 new teachers from 4 communities across the United States. Factors that affect retention, the attributes of effective and supportive leaders, and the characteristics of quality mentors and induction programs are discussed. The report also recommends specific strategies for teachers, principals and school systems interested in establishing induction programs.
Create a culture of continuous inquiry and collaboration focused on identifying and sharing “best-practices.” Encourage peer coaching and observations, action research, and critical friends groups as methods of supporting colleagues.
District Profile: A Commitment to Craft, Rochester (N.Y.) City School District Career in Teaching Program
Scarpa, S. (n.d.) District Administration Magazine.
http://www.districtadministration.com/page.cfm?p=743 The Rochester City School District established a Career in Teaching Program over 16 years ago with the support of the Rochester Teachers’ Association. This comprehensive overview of the program explains the mentoring and peer review components of the program, as well as the levels that have been created within the teaching profession in Rochester. This resource is valuable for district-level administrators or policymakers interested in designing a system of support for new and struggling teachers, a method of stratifying the teaching profession, or a system of peer-review and evaluation.
Their Key to Survival: Each Other
Gingold, H. (2004, June). Classroom Leadership, 7(9). http://makeashorterlink.com/?U1263262B This article from the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development describes the work of four teachers in Liverpool, N.Y. who created a “collaborative teacher network” designed to support one another throughout the school year. The four teachers worked as a team, planning lessons and instruction, evaluating the results of their teaching, and refining their professional practice. They set aside time each week to meet with one another, and kept in regular contact via email and phone calls. As a result, their teaching improved and they each developed skills required of reflective practitioners.

Redesigning Professional Development: Critical Friends
Bambino, D. (2002, March). Educational Leadership, 59(6), 25-27. http://www.nsrfharmony.org/gene/Bambino_2002.pdf Because of their shared experiences, teachers can often provide the most effective instructional support to their colleagues. One model for this type of collaboration is the Critical Friends Group. This article introduces the concept and benefits of Critical Friends groups and tells the stories of three schools that have implemented Critical Friends groups with great success.
Improving Relationships within the School House
Barth, Roland S. (March 2006). Educational Leadership
http://snipurl.com/nz7f Roland S. Barth, a former teacher and principal and the founder of the Principals Center at Harvard University discusses different relationships among teachers and administrators in schools that affect the overall school climate and student learning. He identifies four primary types of relations: teacher isolation, adversarial relationships, congenial relationships, and collegial relationships. He focuses on collegial relationships, which are characterized by sharing best practices or “craft knowledge,” observing colleagues’ teaching, and rooting for each others’ success, and he explains what school leaders can do to create collegiality within their school.
Action Research Tools and Resources
The Teacher Leaders Network
http://www.teacherleaders.org/Resources/ARgroup/ARresources.html The members of the Teacher Leaders Network, a major initiative of the Southeast Center for Teaching Quality, recently examined the process and potential of action research as a school improvement tool. This web page features an extensive list of action research resources. Included are articles related to action research, sample action research projects, and reviews of books that are designed to introduce educators to the process of action research.
Coaching: A Strategy for Developing Instructional Capacity
Neufeld, B. and Roper, D. (2003, June). Annenberg Institute for School Reform
http://www.annenberginstitute.org/images/Coaching.pdf This report provides a guide through the process of instructional coaching. The authors explain what coaches do, how they are prepared, important factors and challenges in implementation, and the benefits and expected outcomes of coaching programs.
School Based Coaching – A Lit Review
Green, Terry. (2004). National Staff Development Council
http://www.nsdc.org/library/schoolbasedlitreview.pdf This document presents a review of literature supporting school-based staff developers or coaches. The author provides detailed definitions of key terms and then discusses research pertaining to a variety of coaching models. The publication also includes a list of practical tools for use by schools and districts.
Teachers Observing Teachers: A Professional Development Tool for Every School
Israel, M. (2003, February 4). Education World
This article explains the benefits of having teachers observe other teachers, not to evaluate performance, but to provide professional development and encourage growth.
Support the creation of mentoring and induction programs for beginning teachers that are comprehensive, job-embedded and based on identified needs.
Mentoring Timeline Checklists
Parker, E. (2001). The North Carolina Teachers Network
Mentoring8/$file/mentorcheck.pdf These checklists, created by the Mentor in Residence at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, identify the most important topics of discussion and activities for a mentor to cover with a new teacher. The lists break down the mentoring process into four distinct quarter and outline specific tasks that North Carolina mentors should complete each quarter to effectively support their protégés.
Needs Assessment Survey
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
http://www.ncpublicschools.org/mentoring_novice_teachers/attachB.htm The first step in providing support to novice or developing teachers is to identify their perceived areas of need. The best way to identify areas of need is to survey teachers. This survey questions respondents on the areas of teaching that they feel prepared to handle successfully, the areas of teaching that they feel least prepared to handle, and their experiences with technology. While originally designed for use with new teachers, this survey could be easily adapted for use with an entire staff.
Supporting your Initially Licensed Teachers
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
http://www.ncpublicschools.org/mentoring_novice_teachers/supportilt.htm This list, compiled by the North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction on the basis of conversations with school administrators and beginning teachers, outlines ways in which principals can provide support to their new teachers. It contains a “Top Ten Suggestions” section and a section on “Materials it Would be Helpful to Provide" in the support of new teachers.

A Better Beginning: Helping New Teachers Survive and Thrive
NEA New Teacher Support Initiative. (2002).
http://www.nea.org/teachershortage/betterbeginnings.html In an effort to stem the teacher turnover tide, the National Education Association has created this comprehensive guide to effective new teacher mentoring programs. This site begins by outlining the rationale behind mentoring and support programs for new teachers. It details the characteristics of effective mentoring programs and provides several real-world examples of successful programs. The site also contains a “toolkit” that includes sample surveys, contracts and program outlines for schools and districts interested in creating or improving mentoring and support programs for new teachers.

Supporting Beginning Teachers:
How Administrators, Teachers and Policymakers can Help New Teachers Succeed
Brewster, C. and Railsback, J. (2001, May). Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
This tool gives a detailed overview of the issue of new teacher support. It outlines the benefits of new teacher support, the implementation of formal support programs, and special concerns for rural schools and offers suggestions for veteran teachers and administrators interested in supporting new teachers. Also included are considerations for policymakers and descriptions of statewide mentoring programs in several Northwestern states.

Watch Over Me
Kersten, Denise. (2006). Teacher Magazine
http://www.edweek.org/tm/articles/2006/01/01/04mentor.h17.html This article discusses the importance of quality mentoring in stemming new teacher attrition. The author distinguishes between informal and under-supported mentoring programs that provide “buddy” relationships at best and intensive mentoring experiences that include collaborative planning, teaching demonstrations, and networking. She highlights the work of a full-time mentor and a mentee in Virginia and emphasizes the role that funding plays in making such a program successful.
Education Topics: Mentoring
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
http://www.ascd.org/cms/index.cfm?TheViewID=866&flag=866 Mentoring new teachers can be a formalized experience provided by a district or it can be an informal partnership between two teachers within a building. Regardless of the nature of the relationship, the support provided to new teachers is critical to reducing the teacher turnover rates that plague many schools. This webpage introduces the topic of mentoring and provides access to print, video, and audio resources related to the topic. Also included are answers to popular questions about mentoring from experts and practitioners.
It Takes Much More than Mentors to Help New Teachers
Wong, H.K. (2004, May 17). EducationNews.org
http://www.educationnews.org/it-takes-much-more-than-mentors.htm The terms mentoring and induction are often used interchangeably when describing supports for new teachers. In reality, however, mentoring is only one component of induction programs that effectively support new teachers. This article examines the differences between mentoring and induction, discusses the limitations of a mentoring-only support program for new teachers, and details the components of successful new-teacher induction programs.
Keeping Teachers
Lurie, K. (2004, May 27). ScienCentral News.
This article from provides an overview of the importance of mentoring to new teachers and shares the story of Jamie Devall and Vicky Condalary, a mentor-protégé team from Louisiana. A short video featuring the two teachers accompanies the article.
The Voice of the New Teacher
The Public Education Network. (2003).
/Voice_of_the_New_Teacher.pdf This report examines issues related to new teachers, based on a study of 200 new teachers from 4 communities across the United States. Factors that affect retention, the attributes of effective and supportive leaders, and the characteristics of quality mentors and induction programs are discussed. The report also recommends specific strategies for teachers, principals and school systems interested in establishing induction programs.
Support teachers by providing professional development that is classroom-based and promotes the knowledge and skills necessary for working with diverse student populations.
Creating a Successful Staff Development Program
Cromwell, S. (1999, April 19). Education World: School Administrator Article
http://www.education-world.com/a_admin/admin111.shtml This article outlines the professional development efforts of two schools, Hungerford School in New York and Montview Elementary School in Colorado, both past recipients in the National Awards Program for Model Professional Development. Also included are links to additional articles and resources related to effective professional development.
Needs Assessment Survey
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
http://www.ncpublicschools.org/mentoring_novice_teachers/attachB.htm The first step in providing support to novice or developing teachers is to identify their perceived areas of need. The best way to identify areas of need is to survey teachers. This survey questions respondents on the areas of teaching that they feel prepared to handle successfully, the areas of teaching that they feel least prepared to handle, and their experiences with technology. While originally designed for use with new teachers, this survey could be easily adapted for use with an entire staff.
Planning and conducting professional development that makes a difference: A guide for school leaders.
Southern Regional Education Board. (2002)
http://www.sreb.org/programs/hstw/publications/profdev/00V02_ProfDevGuide.pdf This guide outlines a step-by-step approach to conceiving, creating, developing, implementing and evaluating school-level professional development opportunities.
Self-Assessment of Your School’s Professional Development: Rubric for a Powerful Conversation
Alabama Best Practices Center
http://www.bestpracticescenter.org/pdfs/sarubric.pdf This rubric, adapted from the National Staff Development Council’s standards for professional development, can help administrators to assess their efforts in this critical area. The assessment helps administrators determine whether professional development is data driven, research based, focused on quality teaching and carried out in learning communities. It also helps administrators create an action plan for their schools.
Test Your Professional Development IQ The National Staff Development Council. (2003, August/September)
http://www.nsdc.org/library/publications/tools/tools8-03pdiq.cfm This quiz, created by the National Staff Development Council, allows school leaders and community members to evaluate their understanding of quality professional development and to reflect on the nature of effective learning experiences for teachers. Along with the correct answers to each quiz question, the website includes references for further reading and suggestions for various situations in which the quiz can spur productive discussion.
Facilitator: 10, Refreshments: 8, Evaluation: 0: Workshop Satisfaction Misses the Point
Mizell, H. (2003, Fall). Journal of Staff Development, 24(4).
http://www.nsdc.org/library/publications/results/res3-99learning.cfm Evaluating the impact that staff development has had on the teaching practices within a building is critical to determining a course of action for educators. Traditionally, however, the evaluation of staff development opportunities is limited in scope, focusing on topics unrelated to student achievement or teaching. This article details these failed attempts at evaluating professional development, examines the reasons that school-based staff developers continue to use ineffective approaches to evaluation, and outlines a more effective method of evaluating the impact of professional development.
Maximize the contributions of education support professionals and community members.

Critical Issue: Establishing Collaboratives and Partnerships
Peterson, K. (1995). North Central Regional Educational Laboratory.
This Critical Issue Report outlines ways in which school administrators can make connections to community groups, enlisting their partnership in addressing many of the non-academic issues that interfere with student achievement. It recommends "action options," describes implementation pitfalls, profiles a number of schools successfully engaging the community, and provides an extensive list of resources and contacts.
Building Support for Better Schools: Seven Steps to Engaging Hard-to Reach Communities
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL). (2000).
This tool provides a “step-by-step guide" for involving parents and community members in efforts to improve education. It offers advice on how to know your community, identify issues, designate facilitators, train facilitators, recruit participants, and follow up with participants.
Family and Community Involvement: Reaching out to Diverse Populations
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory. (2000).
http://www.sedl.org/pubs/family29/ This tool outlines five strategies for administrators and teachers to involve diverse communities in schools. It encourages principals and teachers to learn more about their surrounding community, engage with community members and parents outside of school, and regularly evaluate their efforts to reach out to the public.
Developing Effective Partnerships to Support Local Education
School Communities that Work: A National Taskforce on the
Future of Urban Districts (2002).
http://www.schoolcommunities.org/images/Partnerships.pdf This paper describes design and operating principles used in effective education and community partnerships. The authors emphasize that partnerships should focus on equity in addition to results and aim to affect youth engagement and development.

Working Together for Successful Paraeducator Services
Railsback, J., Reed, B., and Schmidt, K. (2002, May). By Request.
http://www.nwrel.org/request/may2002/index.html This tool describes ways that schools can maximize the contributions of their paraeducators. It also details the new certification requirements expected of paraeducators under NCLB and provides several examples of schools that are successfully maximizing the contributions of all staff members within their buildings.
District Office
Develop comprehensive induction and mentoring programs that serve beginning teachers. Evaluate the effectiveness of current induction and mentoring programs.
District Profile: A Commitment to Craft, Rochester (N.Y.) City School District Career in Teaching Program
Scarpa, S. (n.d.) District Administration Magazine.
http://www.districtadministration.com/page.cfm?p=743 The Rochester City School District established a Career in Teaching Program over 16 years ago with the support of the Rochester Teachers’ Association. This comprehensive overview of the program explains the mentoring and peer review components of the program, as well as the levels that have been created within the teaching profession in Rochester. This resource is valuable for district-level administrators or policymakers interested in designing a system of support for new and struggling teachers, a method of stratifying the teaching profession, or a system of peer-review and evaluation.
Teacher Coaching: A Tool for Retention
Griffin, N.C., Wohlstetter, P., and Bharadwaja, L.C. (2001, January). The School Administrator
http://www.aasa.org/publications/sa/2001_01/griffin.htm This article from the American Association of School Administrators describes a decentralized model of teacher coaching being used in several Los Angeles schools. This model, known as DELTA, provides new teachers with one-on-one coaching from an experienced teacher and a personalized support plan that emphasizes skill development rather than evaluation.
Their Key to Survival: Each Other
Gingold, H. (2004, June). Classroom Leadership, 7(9). http://makeashorterlink.com/?U1263262B This article from the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development describes the work of four teachers in Liverpool, N.Y. who created a “collaborative teacher network” designed to support one another throughout the school year. The four teachers worked as a team, planning lessons and instruction, evaluating the results of their teaching, and refining their professional practice. They set aside time each week to meet with one another, and kept in regular contact via email and phone calls. As a result, their teaching improved and they each developed skills required of reflective practitioners.
Creating a Teacher Mentoring Program
The NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education. (1999, February).
http://www.nfie.org/publications/mentoring.htm This guide created by the NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education details the steps necessary for creating a teacher mentoring program. Topics covered include: The Usefulness of Mentoring, Creating the Climate, Context and Structure for Effective Mentoring, Selecting, Training and Supporting Mentors, and Content and Evaluation. Each section includes a detailed description, examples, and questions to consider.
New Teacher Center Formative Assessment System
Santa Cruz New Teacher Project
http://www.newteachercenter.org/NTP_SCassessment.shtml Widely recognized as one of the foremost providers of structured support for new teachers, the Santa Cruz New Teacher Project is gaining acclaim for addressing the issue of teacher attrition. One component of the Santa Cruz model is a formative assessment system that “engages a mentor and a beginning teacher in an on-going cycle of inquiry.” This system consists of several components including student case studies, individualized learning plans, self-assessment summaries and student work analysis. Originally designed for use in California, the Formative Assessment System is now available for use outside of the state as well. This website introduces the program and provides contacts for districts or states interested in more information.

A Better Beginning: Helping New Teachers Survive and Thrive
NEA New Teacher Support Initiative. (2002).
http://www.nea.org/teachershortage/betterbeginnings.html In an effort to stem the teacher turnover tide, the National Education Association has created this comprehensive guide to effective new teacher mentoring programs. This site begins by outlining the rationale behind mentoring and support programs for new teachers. It details the characteristics of effective mentoring programs and provides several real-world examples of successful programs. The site also contains a “toolkit” that includes sample surveys, contracts and program outlines for schools and districts interested in creating or improving mentoring and support programs for new teachers.

New Teachers: From Surviving to Thriving
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. (2001, Winter). Northwest Education Magazine, 7(2).
http://www.nwrel.org/nwedu/2001w/index.html This issue of Northwest Education Magazine is dedicated entirely to approaches to supporting new teachers. It highlights the experiences of new teachers in rural settings and those who switched to teaching mid-career, in addition to describing successful programs and induction research.

Supporting Beginning Teachers:
How Administrators, Teachers and Policymakers can Help New Teachers Succeed
Brewster, C. and Railsback, J. (2001, May). Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
This tool gives a detailed overview of the issue of new teacher support. It outlines the benefits of new teacher support, the implementation of formal support programs, and special concerns for rural schools and offers suggestions for veteran teachers and administrators interested in supporting new teachers. Also included are considerations for policymakers and descriptions of statewide mentoring programs in several Northwestern states.

Watch Over Me
Kersten, Denise. (2006). Teacher Magazine
http://www.edweek.org/tm/articles/2006/01/01/04mentor.h17.html This article discusses the importance of quality mentoring in stemming new teacher attrition. The author distinguishes between informal and under-supported mentoring programs that provide “buddy” relationships at best and intensive mentoring experiences that include collaborative planning, teaching demonstrations, and networking. She highlights the work of a full-time mentor and a mentee in Virginia and emphasizes the role that funding plays in making such a program successful.
Education Topics: Mentoring
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
http://www.ascd.org/cms/index.cfm?TheViewID=866&flag=866 Mentoring new teachers can be a formalized experience provided by a district or it can be an informal partnership between two teachers within a building. Regardless of the nature of the relationship, the support provided to new teachers is critical to reducing the teacher turnover rates that plague many schools. This webpage introduces the topic of mentoring and provides access to print, video, and audio resources related to the topic. Also included are answers to popular questions about mentoring from experts and practitioners.
Keeping Teachers
Lurie, K. (2004, May 27). ScienCentral News.
This article from provides an overview of the importance of mentoring to new teachers and shares the story of Jamie Devall and Vicky Condalary, a mentor-protégé team from Louisiana. A short video featuring the two teachers accompanies the article.
The Impact of Mentoring on Teacher Retention: What the Research Says
Ingersoll, R. and Kralik, J.M. (2004, February). . ECS Research Review.
This report from the Education Commission of the States is designed to examine the impact of induction and mentoring programs on teacher retention. Reviewing recent literature and studies, the report confirms that mentoring and induction programs have empirical evidence of success at retaining teachers.
District Office
Demonstrate a clear vision for career-long professional development that is classroom-based, focused on student learning, and collaborative in nature. Develop professional learning opportunities that incorporate technology.
Teacher Quality: Teachers Teaching Teachers
Christensen, Linda. (Winter 2005/2006). Rethinking Schools
http://www.rethinkingschools.org/archive/20_02/ttt202.shtml Linda Christensen, a high school English teacher from Portland, Oregon, writes that teachers find professional development lead by classroom teachers to be the most productive. She describes her experiences with the Portland Writing Project, summer curriculum camps, and professional development days, all of which are teacher-lead and actively involve teachers in reflection, writing, and curriculum development.
Their Key to Survival: Each Other
Gingold, H. (2004, June). Classroom Leadership, 7(9). http://makeashorterlink.com/?U1263262B This article from the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development describes the work of four teachers in Liverpool, N.Y. who created a “collaborative teacher network” designed to support one another throughout the school year. The four teachers worked as a team, planning lessons and instruction, evaluating the results of their teaching, and refining their professional practice. They set aside time each week to meet with one another, and kept in regular contact via email and phone calls. As a result, their teaching improved and they each developed skills required of reflective practitioners.

Redesigning Professional Development: Critical Friends
Bambino, D. (2002, March). Educational Leadership, 59(6), 25-27. http://www.nsrfharmony.org/gene/Bambino_2002.pdf Because of their shared experiences, teachers can often provide the most effective instructional support to their colleagues. One model for this type of collaboration is the Critical Friends Group. This article introduces the concept and benefits of Critical Friends groups and tells the stories of three schools that have implemented Critical Friends groups with great success.
New Teacher Online Survival Courses
The Teachers Network
http://teachersnetwork.org/noc_tour/index.htm These online courses offered by the Teachers Network are designed to provide guidance to new teachers in five critical areas: Aligning standards, curriculum and assessment, classroom management, families as partners, strategic planning and teaching methods. While the courses are not free (a fee of $50 per course is charged), they may be a worthwhile investment for schools that struggle to provide high-quality professional development and support for new teachers.
Self-Assessment of Your School’s Professional Development: Rubric for a Powerful Conversation
Alabama Best Practices Center