Before considering the recommendations below, we recommend that toolkit users first read the introduction explaining why empowerment matters for improving teacher working conditions and student learning conditions.

Recommendation One:
Provide teachers access to resources (financial, time, opportunity, etc.) to identify and solve problems related to their classroom in order to ensure they can help all students learn. - Resources for related strategies

Recommendation Two:
Create opportunities, both formal and informal, for teachers to influence, design, create, and implement school and district policies and procedures. - Resources for related strategies

Recommendation Three:
Encourage the inclusion of teachers in community, school, district, and state level discussions related to the welfare and ability of all students to academically achieve at the highest level. - Resources for related strategies

Throughout these recommendations, you will see resources represented as three distinct categories:

"Seeing It Work" represents real world examples of actual schools and communities implementing the reform strategies prescribed in the toolkit.
"Action Tool" represents a specific strategy, checklist of items to address, plan for immediate activity or targeted instruction on how to implement reform around teacher working conditions.
"Knowledge Tool" represents background research, academic studies, or relevant articles that may inform your work and help you better understand the broader context for your work on teacher working conditions.


If you have other resources to add or thoughts to share,
please email

data analysis | time | leadership | empowerment | prof development | facilities & resource