Recommendation One:
Provide teachers access to resources (financial, time, opportunity, etc.) to identify and solve problems related to their classrooms in order to ensure they can help students learn.


Role Group Strategies

Support and participate in school efforts to increase teaching resources, including existing grant and mini-grant opportunities or other efforts of businesses, civic groups or PTA that can provide resources for teachers.

Community Partnership Resource Page
The George Lucas Educational Foundation.
This webpage provides a variety of resources from the George Lucas Educational Foundation (GLEF) on school and community partnerships.  It includes articles describing programs in specific school districts and research on the importance of community involvement in general.

Business Partnership Resource Page
The George Lucas Educational Foundation
This website highlights successful business partnership programs from across the nation. Including articles, interactive videos, interviews with experts, suggested strategies, and descriptions of effective programs, it is an extensive source of information for business and community leaders looking to maximize the power of their partnerships in the interest of professional learning and student achievement.

The Exponential Results of Linking School Improvement and Community Development:  Collaborative Strategies for Revitalizing Rural Schools and Communities
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (2000)
This issue of their Benefits newsletter outlines eight basic steps for getting a collaborative group going.  The rationale for each step is provided, along with suggested actions that school leaders can take to ensure success.  While intended primarily for rural schools, the suggestions and examples are of value to anyone interested in taking practical steps to strengthen school-community partnerships.

Volunteer to participate in field trips or other extra-curricular activities, work as non-certified personnel in the school, or provide monitored student enrichment programs to free up teacher time.

Get Parents Involved: When Mom and Dad Come to Class, Kids Do Better
Seville, Michael. (2005). Edutopia.
This article describes a program at Christa McAuliffe Elementary, a public school in Silicon Valley, which requires parents to become involved in the school as volunteers. Parents lead lessons based on their personal expertise, act as chaperones on field trips, or provide administrative or technological support after the school day. They also attend a training program that helps parents make active contributions to their children’s schooling.

Communities in Schools Volunteer Page
This site gives contact addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for all Communities in Schools (CIS) network offices in North Carolina.  CIS encourages community members to become involved in schools through mentoring, helping with after-school programs, bringing health specialists into schools, and teaching job skills.

North Carolina Public Schools Volunteer Page
NC Public Schools lists a variety of organizations across the state that can help community members become involved in education.

10 Things Grandparents and Other Concerned Citizens Can Do to be More Involved
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction describes ten ways in which grandparents and other citizens without children in school can become more involved in education. Suggestions include volunteering in schools as a tutor or mentor, helping children to take advantage of educational resources in the community, and supporting social services that help all children.

What do we mean by “family and community connections with schools? 
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL)  (2002, November). Research Brief.
This short brief explains that there are many different forms of school-community involvement and emphasizes the need to clarify each group’s understanding of and expectations for such partnerships.  It includes a series of guiding questions to help schools, parents, and community groups decide which type of partnerships to pursue and provides additional references for related research.

If you have other resources to add or thoughts to share,
please email us at

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